What Are The Benefits Of Having A Plantronics Wireless Headset? - Headset Advisor

Quick show of hands. How many of you got up this morning and pondered the question of the many benefits of having a Plantronics wireless headset?

The truth is, nobody spends their waking hours nor precious brainpower to answer this mind bending question. 

That is. . . unless you’re in the market for one. If this is where you find yourself, then knowing how a Plantronics wireless headset is beneficial to you and your job or team, could be helpful. 

Whether you get a Plantronics wired headset or a Plantronics wireless model, you can expect to realize a lot of benefits over using a traditional telephone handset receiver. If you’re upgrading your office headsets from wired models to one of the available Plantronics wireless headsets, the benefits kick up a notch. 

First, let’s explore the key benefits and advantages of using a wired office headset when compared to using, holding and cradling a telephone handset receiver. 

Multi-tasking. In the office workplace today, the need to use a computer is a given. You do research, you do video conferencing calls, and you access hundreds of applications including Softphone applications used for making your important business calls. 

One of the key drivers, and main benefits of using a headset, in this case, a wired office headset, is you no longer needed to cradle the telephone handset on the shoulder while talking on the phone.

Business phone calls and computer use are both daily tasks, and when you perform both at the same time, that’s when the cradling begins. An office headset eliminates the need to cradle the telephone handset receiver.

Both hands are freed up allowing you to take notes, use your computer keyboard and more. Seems like a minor benefit on the surface, but when you look further into this, you find some disturbing facts. 

So what’s the harm in cradling a phone on your shoulder? 

Consider the points raised in this article by Anne Kramer of ErgoWorks. In this article, Ms. Kramer points out the many physical hazards associated with telephone handset usage, especially cradling it against the shoulder. You can read more about this here

Even worse, according to this article published by the BBC, cradling the phone against your shoulder puts you at risk for a “mini stroke” 

Here’s a link to the article 

Key Takeaway

The underlying point here is cradling the telephone handset receiver against your shoulder is bad. Just don’t do it because there are risks. Instead, get a good quality office headset such as a Plantronics headset or Discover model for example, and avoid the cradling practice all together. 


A good quality office headset will allow you to multitask while helping you to avoid on the- job injury leading to better health. 

Sound Quality. When on important business calls, you want to make sure you sound great at all times. After all, if you’re hard to hear or the call has static for example, your customers can get frustrated. And, as we all know, customers are hard to get and keeping them long term is an ongoing challenge. Having a great sounding phone conversation is a good starting point. 

When you use a telephone handset, you’re honestly at a disadvantage. The telephone receiver doesn’t have the ability to reduce unwanted background noise. The sounds that are taking place around you, are the same sounds that your customer hears. Even though your coworker Bob is having a birthday celebration, your customer really shouldn’t be listening to it. It’s distracting and takes the focus away from your key message. 

The other disadvantage of using a handset is that it can’t increase or decrease your voice volume. The truth is, we all have variation in how well, or not so well, we hear. There will always be cases where someone could benefit from more or less volume so that they can hear you loud and clear, and a phone receiver just can’t accommodate this.

On the other hand, having a good quality office headset can make a big difference. Whether you’re using an office wireless headset or one that has a cord, they can all adjust the speaking volume as well as the hearing volumes. This is a big advantage when it comes to hearing and being heard. 

Key Takeaway: 

Being heard and hearing well are both important. A telephone handset cannot increase or decrease the speaker's voice volume. This can create communication problems. The good news is that this problem is easily solved by using a good quality office headset, which allows both parties to hear at the volume levels needed specifically for them. 


A good quality office headset will allow you to raise or lower the volume of your voice to your callers. This is an advantage over using a telephone handset which does not have this capability. If your callers need more or less volume so you can be heard clearly, you have the ability to accommodate them. Advantage office headset! 


Let’s shift gears and take a walk down the path of Plantronics wireless headsets and others. This segment will explore wireless headset benefits that extend beyond those enjoyed by traditional office wired headsets. 

For the love of God, cut the cord 

Wired headsets have been around for decades. The single biggest improvement that was made to wired headsets was to spin off a whole new line of products that ditched the cord. This ushered in the era of the now supremely popular office wireless headset. 

What’s the matter with a cord you ask? 

They get in the way. Anyone who’s used a wired headset in an office environment, knows that the cord has a tendency to get hung up on things. For example, when you close your desk drawer, guess what? Your headset cord found its way into your drawer and it got closed on it. 

You can also likely relate to the headset cord getting hung up on your office chair base. Then, when you roll around in your chair, the headset flies off your head.

Maybe you experienced the wired headset cord getting wrapped around the arm of your chair. This too can cause the headset to go airborne unexpectedly. And, if you’re on a live phone call, that can make for an awkward moment. 

Aside from the interruptions to your phone calls, sudden surprises and airborne projectiles, your wired headset can get damaged in the process.

Most notably, you can experience fractures in the cord which is one of the leading causes of poor sound quality in a wired headset. You see, the main cable that goes from the headset top to the connector at the cable end, actually contains a few individual cables inside of it.

The diameter of each of these cables is really small which makes them susceptible to fractures. Fractures, in turn, can lead to static, inconsistent volumes, buzzing, or, in the extreme, no sound at all. 

Wireless headsets fixed all that. 

Freedom from cords. 

Plantronics wireless headsets, like other brands, offer office headsets that are fully wireless. Eliminating the wire eliminates the associated problems while at the same time, provides a walk and talk communication experience. No cord means not being tied to your desk by that cord. 

Office wireless headsets allow you to be on a call, step away from your desk, and talk up to 300 feet. If you add the optional remote call answering feature, you can receive a call while away and then end the call when done. 

The two types of remote call answering devices are: 

  1. Handset Lifter. This is a mechanical device that attaches via double sided tape to the surface of your desk phone. It’s called a “lifter” because it lifts the handset out of the cradle when you want to receive or end a call at the desk, or while away from it. Here’s what a lifter looks like: 



  1. Electronic Hookswitch (EHS). This device performs the same function as a handset lifter, but without the need to physically raise/lower the handset. Instead,

this device performs the function electronically vs. electro mechanically. Here’s a sample of what an Electronic Hookswitch Cable looks like: 


Key Takeaway: 

A Plantronics wireless headset as well as other leading brands, offer significant advantages over using a headset with a wire. You’ll not have any wires to get tangled up or fractured. You’ll have the freedom to move around your office freely while still being accessible to take phone calls. More versatility and less hassle makes for an attractive offer. 


Wireless freedom to move around your office to grab a cup of coffee, go to the printer, confer with a coworker or just stretch your legs while on a call. No cord means untethered communications and when you combine this with remote call answering, you get benefits that you can enjoy every day. 

Be flexible and adapt to change. 

We have a saying in our office, “be flexible and adapt to change”. This speaks to the need to be flexible and open to change as change happens. 

The same could be said for many Plantronics wireless headsets. There are models that don’t adapt to change, such as the Plantronics model CS540. Though a highly popular office wireless headset, it cannot connect to anything other than an office desk phone. This places it in the “not flexible” category. 

Many Plantronics wireless headsets, like others, are more flexible. With these models, you can connect to your desk phone, but if your needs change, and you now need to connect your office wireless headset to a computer, you can. This is a huge advantage because it affords you mounds of flexibility while eliminating the need for you to part with more of your hard earned cash for a headset update. 

Models that have this connection versatility are referred to as multi-connectivity wireless headsets. Among the devices these can connect to include; Desk phones (analog,

digital, voip), computers (desktops and laptops) as well as Bluetooth phones and devices. Here’s how most office wireless headsets connect: 

- To deskphones only - single connectivity 

- To desk phones and computer (you can switch back and forth by pressing a button) - dual connectivity 

- To desk phones, computers and Bluetooth devices - triple connectivity 

If you’re considering a Plantronics wireless headset, you should not only consider your needs as they are today, but where the company is going and what your needs might be a few years down the road. By having some insights into this, you can make a smarter headset buying decision. 

Key Takeaway: 

Many brands of office wireless headsets, such as Plantronics headsets, have the ability to connect to a single device or up to three devices. This versatility can provide you with a lot of use options that can not only benefit you here and now, but help you to avoid a costly upgrade should your needs change down the road. 


Plantronics wireless headsets, like several other brands of office wireless headsets, offer models that connect to multiple devices. These models can save you money in the long run by having the ability to adapt to your changing needs. So, the benefit here is: 

- Versatility to connect office wireless headset to multiple devices - Protection against unanticipated changing needs 

- Monetary savings by avoiding costly upgrade to address changing needs Reputation matters 

“You can’t buy a good reputation, you must earn it” - Harvey Mackay 

Who goes out into the marketplace and specifically targets a dishonest, unreliable company with a bad reputation to contract with? Nobody, right? 

A good reputation is earned and it’s vitally important if long term success is to be realized. As a company, Plantronics has done a lot of good things for a lot of years.Their products are solid, their support is good, and their company is financially sound. They’ve earned their customers through a methodical and consistent approach

to product development and customer service. This means that anyone can purchase a Plantronics office wireless headset with confidence knowing that the manufacturer (Plantronics) will stand behind the product. This peace of mind is worth something and it’s reflected in their market leadership position. Peace of mind is widespread among those who purchase their products and rightfully so. It’s a safe bet. 

We’ve all had bad experiences with companies that practice customer no service. It’s something we try to avoid due to the grief it creates. Buying a Plantronics wireless headset can be like that security blanket you’re in search of. No surprises and a predictable overall experience. 

Key Takeaway: 

Make sure you’re dealing with a company that’s reputable. Keep your eyes focused on those companies that have earned their reputation and trust. This could be Plantronics, or a host of other companies that have made the commitment to provide helpful products and a high level of customer service. 


When you buy a Plantronics headset, you’ll have confidence knowing that it’s backed by a manufacturer that has a solid reputation in the industry. Reputation does matter and yes, it is earned. 

Support those companies that have invested their time and resources to establish their reputations. Or, as Elizabeth Arden said: 

“Repetition makes reputation and reputation makes customers”

Plantronics headsetPlantronics wireless headset for computerPlantronics wireless headset for office phonePlantronics wireless headset pairingPlantronics wireless phone headset

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