How To Find The Best Zoom Headset - Headset Advisor

If you’re like millions of others around the world who use Zoom as their preferred communications platform, you might be shopping around for a headset.

Compared to other options, a headset will give you far more versatility, and even better sound quality. 

If you are shopping around for a Zoom headset you probably want a few specific things such as: 

  • A headset that’s certified for use with Zoom 
  • Remote call answering so you can take calls when away from your des
  • If it’s a wireless headset, you want decent wireless range 
  • The ability to mute your call from the headset and not from the application
  • Last, but not least, you want a headset that’s 100% compatible with Zoom 

In this blog, I’m going to show you a way that will help to make finding that perfect Zoom headset simple and easy. But, before I get into the details, I do need to let you know that we recorded a Youtube video on this below.

So, if watching video content is your preference over reading written blog content, then make sure to check out this video. You’ll be treated to some great visuals, and a lot of good content. 

How to find the best headset for Zoom video

If you’re still reading this blog, then let’s dive into the details on finding the perfect Zoom compatible headset. 

Why not just buy online? 

The default action is to simply go online and find a headset listed on one of the many headset postings. Maybe even Amazon would be your best bet, right?

Uhhh, not so fast because there’s more to all this than just finding a headset that you like, and is in your budget. 

Here are a few thoughts to consider if you’re inclined to purchase a Zoom headset online.

  1. Is the headset compatible with Zoom? 
  2. Is the headset certified by Zoom for use on its platform? 
  3. How good will the microphone sound? 
  4. How much background noise will it reduce? 
  5. How easy will it be to exchange if it doesn’t meet your expectations?
  6. How long is the warranty, and how easy is it to receive warranty services
  7. Will it be comfortable? 
  8. Will that headset allow you to answer Zoom calls when away from the desk?
  9. Will the headset allow you to mute the call from the headset, or will you be required to mute the call from the application? 

As you can see, there are a lot of questions that need to be answered before you pull the trigger on buying a headset. Though Amazon is normally regarded as a convenient place to buy things, it may not be when it comes to things like this. 

Why not just buy on Amazon?

Just do a quick Amazon search for a Zoom headset and you'll find hundreds of different choices that I'll nicely say are far from good for business use on Zoom.

With all the pages you'll go through, how do you know which to choose?! Don't let the star rating and price fool you. 

Amazon is finally starting to crack down on false reviews or reviews that offer a paid incentive for money, but still have a lot of work to do. Don't take our word for it though, you can read an article about that topic here.

zoom headset

Amazon cannot provide you the technical expertise you need in order to assist you with a buying decision. They also cannot provide you with any setup and technical support. And, if you need to make an exchange for a more suitable product, they cannot provide you with the advice you need.

Finally, when it comes to warranty assistance, Amazon is unable to provide the expertise to help avoid the need to return a product.

This means that you make your best decision based on the facts you’ve accumulated, and hope that it all works out once you receive your headset.

Though you may have some success with this approach, it’s far more risky than the alternative. 

There is a better way to buy a Zoom headset 

This is the point in this blog that I introduce you to a better way of finding a Zoom compatible headset that removes the risks. 

Headset Advisor has been advising business customers on headsets since 1994. Over that time we’ve accumulated a lot of knowledge and expertise when it comes to advising customers on the best headset solutions for their needs. 

In order to help you find the best headset solution for Zoom, we created an online tool here. By answering a few questions about your needs, you’ll be instantly matched to the headset options for your situation. 

When you go to this page, you’ll be asked some questions.

  1. What do you plan on connecting the headset to? The options include Desk phone, Desk phone/computer/mobile device, Computer, or Computer + mobile.
  2. Are you looking for a wired, or wireless headset? 
  3. What size is your office? Small (1-50) Large (51+) 
  4. Would you like to try a free headset sample? The options listed include: Yes, No (just researching), or No (I just want to buy) 
  5. How many devices do you plan to deploy? 1-10, 11-50, 51-100, 101-500, 500+
  6. Your contact information: name, email address and phone number to send your the results.

Once you’ve entered this information into the headset locator tool, you’ll be provided with those options that meet your criteria. Being that the headset solutions shown are coming from our Zoom microsite means they’re 100% Zoom compatible.

So you won’t have to worry about whether they’re compatible with Zoom or not. You can also rest assured that these are professional grade headsets that are known to offer professional sound quality which is vitally important when on business calls.

Even if you have doubts about the compatibility or sound quality, you have the option to try a sample headset. This is the best way for you to know for sure if it meets your needs, and expectations, and that’s an offer you won’t get on Amazon. 

Need Zoom Headsets but the budget is tight? 

Having as much industry experience as we do, we know that budgets can be tight at times. Typically this meant to either hold off on buying new headsets, buying fewer of them, or compromising by selecting a lesser quality model. 

Fortunately Headset Advisor offers a unique program that allows you to pay as you go without the need for the upfront investment. We call this program Headsets as a service, or HaaS.

Headsets start as low as $2.00 per month and include replacement accessories, shipping and a warranty that never expires. It’s an affordable way to acquire new headsets without exhausting the budget. 


Learn more about Headsets-As-A-Service here

    Final Thoughts

    If you’re actively doing research on Zoom compatible headsets, or looking to buy some, you can clearly browse online sources that offer headsets. Those sources may or may not be your best way to acquire Zoom headsets. 

    As I noted at the beginning of this blog, there are a number of things you need to be mindful of when shopping for headsets. Choosing a headset based on price, and price alone is normally not the greatest of all ideas.

    That is, if you’re interested in sounding great, and having a reliable headset. There are good reasons why some headsets cost more than others, and much of that price difference comes down to sound quality, comfort and reliability. 

    And though I’m admittedly biased, I can say with certainty that buying your Zoom headsets from Headset Advisor is a safe bet. We have more experience than just about everyone else in the headset industry, and we’re professional, reputable, and we truly care about making sure you get the right headsets for your specific needs.

    If you need help in getting your headsets setup, or you need some help with a headset issue, we’re here with trained headset specialists to help make things easy for you. Try getting that from Amazon.

    Headset for zoomZoomZoom compatible headsetZoom headsetZoom wireless headset

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