Follow this quick step by step guide to get your Plantronics HL10 Lifter setup and working great. When using the HL10 Lifter follow the standard Plantronics CS540 (C054) setup as reference in the proper installation.
Step 1
Plug your Plantronics HL10 into the back of your wireless headset charging base.Step 2
Remove the double sided tape covers from your HL10 Lifter.
Step 3
Line up the Plantronics HL10 underneath your telephone handset and stick the Lifter to your phone (press lightly incase you need to reposition the Lifter). *Every phone is designed differently so placement of the Lifter varies. Keep adjusting until the Lifter properly picks up and hangs up calls.
Step 4
Test your Plantronics HL10 Lifter by turning your headset on/off to ensure it picks up and hangs up your telephone properly. *Every phone is designed differently so placement of the Lifter varies. Keep adjusting the lifter up and down until you see the phone pick up and hang up properly, then it's okay to put firm pressure on the Lifter to ensure the pre-cut double sided tape sticks as long as possible.